Certified in Security Supervision and Management Program


Certified in Security Supervision and Management (CSSM)

Unique and flexible, the Certified in Security Supervision and Management (CSSM) Program is designed to meet the needs of the security supervisor or manager.

  • All applicants enrolling into the CSSM Program MUST have 6 months security experience or equivalent.

 Program Guidelines:

  • All content, practice assessments, and examinations (including the written exercises) are available and contained on this online platform.
  • When your online studies indicates ‘Proctor Selection Check Point’ you must complete that section which includes all Proctor details.  Once the check point item has been received and reviewed, the examination will be released.
  • Complete the 275 multiple choice questions/true/false Final Examination.  Your examination results will be made available within 60 – 120 seconds.  70% accuracy is required to complete the programs.
  • Complete the 8 Written Practical Exercises. These exercises must be submitted to IFPO for evaluation by an IFPO representative.
  • Successful completion of all components - CSSM Certification Awarded.